Terms & Conditions

The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits

If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit GoCardless Ltd will notify you 3 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request GoCardless Ltd to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request

If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by GoCardless Ltd or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society

If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when GoCardless Ltd asks you to

You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.


  1. The start-up payments, the membership plan and the associated upfront lump sum or monthly direct debit membership fees, initial minimum term and payment dates you have chosen are set out on Ware-house Swansea | Home of Guerrilla Fitness  before and after the payment is processed (the initial minimum term is the first period of membership). An email confirmation summarising these elements will also be sent to the registered email address on your account.
  2. Our memberships are available for an initial minimum term of 1 month or 12 months.
  3. At joining, members can select a membership plan that includes an early termination option after 1 month. This option is available at a small premium and is reflected in the price of the membership plan.
  4. Memberships can be paid either upfront by lump sum or by monthly direct debit. If you choose to pay your membership monthly by direct debit, there will be an additional charge (1) which will mean the total amount payable for your membership will be greater than if you choose to pay as a lump sum upfront.
  5. Members who elect to take the 15 for 12 months upfront lump sum plan will be entitled to the membership period to cover 15 months. Members who elect to take the 1 month upfront lump sum plan will be covered for 1 month only.
  6. For members who joined at any date up to the last day of the month, your monthly membership fees will be collected in advance on the last working day of the preceding month (for example your membership fee for August will be collected on the last working day of July).
  7. For members who join on or after July 1, 2020 and are paying via Direct debit, your first direct debit payment will be collected 10 days after joining and will include your start-up fee and first month’s membership fees combined. Your second and recurring direct debit for the duration of your membership will be collected monthly on the date you joined. (For example, if you join on 10 March, your direct debit for your start-up fee and first month’s membership fees will be collected on 20 March. Your second direct debit will be collected on 10 April and the 10th of each month thereafter.)
  8. If you are paying by direct debit and you fall behind with your membership fees and this is not caused by a bank error, we may charge reasonable administration fees or suspend or cancel your membership. We may pass your details to a debt collection company to recover any outstanding payments.
  9. We may decide to increase our membership fees, but your fees will not increase in your initial minimum term of membership (unless you do not provide ID for a membership type that requires it, for example a student membership). We will give you a minimum of 14 days’ notice of any fee change. If you pay your membership fees up front as a lump sum payment, we will only review your membership fees when your membership is due for renewal.


  1. We have several membership types. The membership you can use depends on the membership you have chosen. If you have multi-club membership, you can use the clubs within your membership tier. If you have single-club membership, you can only use your home club. Clubs may change tier over time. Before joining, please make sure you are aware of all the membership options and which club (or clubs) your membership allows you to use, including club tiers and access times.
  2. Once a member, you will need to download our CLUBMANAGER APP to access the check in functionality and the class booking system
  3. You must swipe in at each visit by scanning your unique identifier via the barcode available through the ClubManager App.


  1. Personal trainers (PTs) at our clubs are self-employed and any service they provide or any other third party provides is a contract between them and you. We will not be liable for, or responsible for any monies paid to a PT or other third party. PT and other third-party services are arranged directly with the trainer or third party and not with us.
  2. Class bookings
    • You can book classes in advance via our APP
    • Out of respect for the waiting list members and to allow our staff to plan for occupancy in the best way, we kindly ask you to cancel up to 24-hour before any booked class
    • We may disable your access to the booking class system if we deem that you’re booking and not attending at a high frequency


  1. If you need to take a temporary break from your membership for any reason you can freeze from month 2 of your membership. You can freeze for an initial period of up to 3 months and there is a £5 monthly fee. Freezes align with your monthly membership payment date, or join date for lump sum payers, and you need to request the freeze at least 5 working days before your monthly direct debit is due. (For example, if your monthly direct debit is collected on the 10th of each month, you must request to freeze 5 working days before this date for the freeze to be processed.)
  2. You may be able to freeze your membership free of charge for medical reasons. A free medical freeze can be applied, for between 1 and 12 calendar months, as long as you provide us with recently dated acceptable medical evidence to cover you for the rest of the requested freeze period.
  3. If you freeze your membership within your initial minimum term, these ‘frozen months’ do not count towards your initial minimum term. We may decide to increase the fee for freezing your membership, but we will not do this while you are on a freeze.
  4. You can request to freeze your membership by completing the freeze request details in the ‘My Membership’ section of the website. We will send you confirmation by email once we have processed your freeze. Please tell us if you do not receive this.


  1. You can request to cancel your membership and give us notice by completing the cancellation request via ‘contact form’ via www.ware-house.uk. We will send you confirmation by email once we have processed your cancellation. Please tell us if you do not receive this.
  2. You are responsible for cancelling your direct debit after we have processed your cancellation and any payments relating to notice periods have been taken. We are entitled to keep any membership fees we receive if you have not cancelled your direct debit instruction with your bank and you have not given us the correct notice to cancel.
  3. You can cancel your membership for any reason within 10 days of joining. You will not be charged for any usage during this period.
  4. If you pay your membership fees monthly by direct debit, you can cease your membership at, or to coincide with, the end of your initial minimum term. If you wish to continue with your membership at the end of your minimum term with no change of plan type, you need do nothing more, your payments will continue to be collected by direct debit. If you wish to change plans or do not wish to continue with your membership, please give us one full month’s notice. Depending on your recurring direct debit date, this may require you to pay the difference between your direct debit date and cancellation date (e.g, if you request to cancel on 20 July, your one full calendar months’ notice means your membership ends on 20 August. If your direct debit date is the 1st of every month, it means you will be required to pay for 20 days in August).
  5. If you joined on a 12-month minimum term plan, are still within your minimum term and pay your membership fees monthly by direct debit, you can cease your membership by providing one full calendar months’ notice and paying the difference of 12-month price for the length of time you have been a member at the point of cancelling. (For example, you request to cancel after 3 months of your agreed 12-month minimum term).
  6. You can cancel your membership at any time if your circumstances change to such an extent that we are satisfied it is not possible for you to continue to use your home club’s facilities (for example, due to medical reasons, if you are made redundant or if you move to an area which is more than 5 miles from your home club).
  7. To cancel your membership for medical reasons, you will need to give us notice and provide the documents we ask for as proof of the change in your circumstances. During the initial membership term, you must continue to pay your membership fees each month until you have provided the evidence requested and we are satisfied with it. Upon receipt of your documents, your membership will be cancelled prior to your next monthly direct debit being collected. We will refund any fees you have paid up front as a lump sum membership for the period that has not yet passed once your cancellation has taken effect.
  8. To cancel your membership for a non-medical change in circumstances (for example, you are made redundant or move to an area which is more than 5 miles from your home club) you must provide suitable proof of your change in circumstance. During the initial membership term, you must continue to pay your membership fees each month until you have provided evidence of your change in circumstance and we are satisfied with it. Upon receipt of your documents, your membership will be cancelled prior to your next monthly direct debit being collected. We will refund any fees you have paid up front as a lump sum membership for the period that has not yet passed once your cancellation has taken effect.
  9. We can cancel your membership if: you have seriously broken the club rules or any terms of this contract; you do not pay any fee or charge within seven days of the date it was due, and we have written to you and given you a further 14 days to pay (so the fee or charge is more than 21 days late); your home club permanently closed (if this happens, we will refund any membership fees you have paid upfront for the period of membership that has not yet been completed); or for any other reason if we consider it necessary to end your contract.
  10. If you pay your membership fees upfront in one single lump sum, your membership will automatically end once you have completed this term (2), unless you choose to renew your membership.


  1. This agreement may be terminated (a) in the circumstances set out below or (b) by either party at any time in response to any other serious breach of the other party’s obligations under this agreement.
  2. Termination for our fault
    You may terminate this agreement in accordance with clause 9 below at any time if the facilities or the services we provide fall well below the standard that you reasonably expect us to provide.
  3. Termination where you fail to pay
    If any payment due from you remains unpaid for a period of three months or longer, we or Ashbourne may serve a final warning notice on you in respect of any outstanding sums due. If, after the expiry of a period of one month from the date of receipt of that final warning upon you, any sum which the final warning required you to pay has not been paid, then this will be treated as a repudiation of your obligations under this agreement and we may terminate the agreement. We will assume that the notice has reached you 2 working days after it is sent by first class post or, if sent by email before 4pm, on that day.
  4. Termination for your fault
    We may terminate this agreement at any time if (a) your treatment of another club member or a member of the club’s staff falls well below the standard of consideration that we reasonably expect and (b) having been asked to remedy your conduct you fail to do so within 7 days of the receipt of a written warning; or having been asked to remedy your conduct you do the same thing again within 6 months of the receipt of a written warning.
  5. Effect of termination by us during the minimum membership period under this clause
    If we terminate this agreement during the minimum membership period (except where it is for our fault), you will become immediately liable to pay (i) the arrears, if any, plus (ii) the monthly membership subscriptions, if any, that would otherwise have fallen due before the end of the minimum membership period less credit for accelerated receipt in respect of payments falling due after the actual date of termination.


  1. Members must be 16 or older.
  2. Children between the ages of 14-16 can use the Gym when accompanied by an adult.
  3. Specific kids classes are run within the Ware-house gym and can only be accessed by those that have a membership or PAYG
  4. Terms apply to PAYG members.
  5. You agree to provide a recent photograph for the purposes of your membership and to comply with our ‘Gym Rules’, which is displayed in your club and online, and extends to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may change our gym rules if we feel this is reasonably necessary.
  6. We may assign the benefit of this agreement and our rights thereunder to a third party on notice to you. Your rights under this agreement will not be prejudiced.
  7. We will not be liable for or responsible for any failure to perform any of our obligations under this agreement which are caused by any event that is outside our reasonable control.
  8. Our staff, agents and subcontractors are not medically qualified so if you have any doubts about your fitness or capability to exercise, we strongly recommend that you get advice from a doctor first. Please be aware that our swimming pools are not under constant supervision. If you have a medical condition that may affect your safety or wellbeing. For safety reasons, you are responsible for correctly using all club facilities and reading club signs and agree to keep to the conditions in the Member Health Pledge, which is available in our clubs and online. We strongly advise that all members complete a Kickstart programme to the gym, and you should ask for one if we do not offer you one. If you are not sure how to use any equipment, always ask a member of staff.
  9. We can transfer all or any part of our rights or responsibilities under this contract to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights under the contract.


  1. Clubs operated under the ‘Ware-houset’ brand are owned and operated by Fitness Zoo Limited which is a company registered in England and Wales.
  2. If you have any questions or if you have any complaints please contact us on enquires@ware-house.uk 
  3. We can make reasonable changes to these terms and conditions at any time. Additional terms and conditions might be agreed on specific membership types e., corporate, partnerships, promotions etc. Such terms will be shown in conjunction with any offer or agreement and may supersede these terms which will be agreed in writing.


  1. You must treat all club members and staff with the consideration that you would reasonably expect them to show to you. In particular, you must not make remarks that are rude or offensive or behave in a manner that is dishonest, aggressive or indecent.
  2. You confirm that the information that you provide to us (and to ClubManager) on the previous form or subsequently is accurate. If any of the relevant information changes you agree to notify us (or ClubManager) of any significant changes e.g. as to your name, address and account details as soon as practicable and in any event before the next monthly payment falls due.


  1. We will be liable to compensate you if you suffer a personal injury or die as a result of our negligence. We will compensate you if you suffer any other loss as a result of our failure to carry out our obligations under this agreement, provided that (a) our failure did not occur as a result of your own fault or (b) our breach could not have been avoided even if we or those acting on our behalf had taken reasonable care. Nothing in these terms will affect your statutory rights. If you need further information about your statutory rights contact a Citizen’s Advice Bureau.


  1. When we speak of personal information we mean “personal data” in the sense defined in the Data Protection Act 2018 (or its replacement) and (so long as it remains law in the United Kingdom or in any other relevant jurisdiction) the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) (the “Relevant Law”)
  2. As a member of the club we will necessarily process your personal data and we will do so in a manner compatible with the Relevant Law.

In our privacy statement is set out in a comprehensive manner:-

  • The personal information we collect about you
  • How that information is collected
  • How and why we use your personal information
  • Who we share you personal information with
  • Where your personal information is held
  • How long your personal information will be kept
  • What your rights are in connection with our processing your personal information


How to complain

We hope that our Data Protection Officer can resolve any query or concern you may raise about our use of your information.

The General Data Protection Regulation also gives you the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the European Union (or European Economic Area) state where you work, normally live or where any alleged infringement of data protection laws occurred. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner who may be contacted at https://ico.org.uk/concerns or telephone: 0303 123 1113.

How to contact us

Please contact us and/or our Data Protection Officer by post or email if you have any questions about this, the information we hold about you or how we deal with it.

Our contact details are shown below:

Our contact details

UNIT 42/43 Cwmdu Industrial Estate, Carmarthen Rd, Swansea, SA5 8JF

Email address: dataprotection@ware-house.uk